Led triac dimmer
Up to now,There are Led constant voltage triac dimmer, Led constant current
triac dimmer.
If Led triac dimmers have strong matching function,If it match well with lamp
system in market.There are United States Lutron,Australia Libang Qi system,
the German Clipsal lighting system,as well as country-renowned lighting system.
Many immature technology ,electronic components purchased, IC are not
compatible with multiple systems.whether the perfect match, adjusting the ideal
light efficiency, reach 100% if no flash, mute, transfer light smooth, uniform,
quick adjustment, slow tune, etc
There are many LED Triac dimmer ,are not compatible with the leading edge, a
trailing edge dimmer.Up to now ,LED triac dimmer are with few power in market.
which can be found the biggest is 80w ,100w.If techology immature,There are only
constant current can do,and not constant voltage.
You can find our Triac Dimmer
Contact us: sales@euchipsonline.com